Helping Your Kids Step into the Property Market

Buying a first home has always been a financial challenge, but housing affordability in Australia has declined so much in recent decades that younger generations are struggling to gain entry to the property market at all. As a result, more parents wish to take practical steps to help their children step onto the property ladder. […]

Should I Write My Own Will or Get a Lawyer?

It is relatively easy to find a free Will template on the internet and fairly cheap to buy a Will “kit” from a newsagent or online. There are also websites that have “data collectors” that take your information and create a Will for you seemingly without any legal expertise required. So, is it really a […]

What Are My Legal Rights When Questioned by Police in NSW

Surprisingly, many people do not know what their legal rights are if they are questioned by a police officer. It is important for everybody to understand these rights, particularly teenage children, young adults or those who may be vulnerable. The way a person reacts to police questioning can have a significant impact on how the […]

How To Find A Will In NSW

Losing a loved one is often an emotionally overwhelming experience, and amidst the grief, managing legal matters and unable to find the will can add another layer of complexity. Yet it most often falls to those closest to the deceased to manage the administrative burden created by death. A crucial document in such circumstances is […]

Beyond Reasonable Doubt – Proving the Elements of a Criminal Offence

A criminal prosecution must prove their case to a high degree of certainty, so that there is no reasonable doubt in the mind of the jury as to the guilt of the accused. This serves as a safeguard against wrongful convictions and ensures that the burden of proof remains on the prosecution throughout a criminal […]

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